When COVID hit the UK in 2020 we saw an overnight shift in working patterns that is still being felt today, with a greater requirement for remote working (and the appropriate solutions to manage this new structure).

However, was the secure remote access solution that you implemented back then still the right solution for you today, and how often are you reviewing the technology that supports this strategy?


Our free of charge RSA Health Check will help you right-size and optimise your Identity Security strategy, providing you with a solution that is fit for purpose both now and in the future.


  • Free of charge 20-30 minute virtual assessment

  • Our Pre-Sales team will look will look at your current setup, version number, user count, deployed tokens, renewal dates

  • We’ll explore with you how you are utilizing your RSA solution now and more importantly discuss your identity requirements for the future. (Cloud apps, Device Security, Authentication methods)

  • We’ll look at whether there are benefits to be gained from upgrading or adding more users, switching to one of the ID Plus subscription plans, renewing as is, or even downgrading the number of users in your estate

  • We will then produce for you a full report with the Health Check results, offering appropriate recommendations and relevant quotes


RSA health check.